Monday, August 20, 2007

Welcome to the Blog, Really!

So, after I realized what a gift it was from Juliemom to me to set up my blog-- just think of the hair dye she saved me from having to buy-- I realized I should probably make a post that would be representative of myself to give people an introduction.

Here it is.

I am a happily married, mom of three, saved Christian lady. I quit a part-time job as a RN in the surgical ICU of a local hospital to stay home and homeschool my kids. Last year we bought a HUGE house (read lots of cleaning time), but the cool part is that we have a missionary apartment in the basement, and so we get to be a part of sending missionaries all over the world. Our first housemates were Janice's family, and the current are JulieMom and her brood. What an awesome privilege and ministry for our family.

Contrary to the title of my blog, I am NOT from a southernly located state-- see a coming soon post regarding my "wendy-isms".

Also, I leave you with the immortal words of Boomama "I love me some Jesus."


Janice said...

Thanks for lettin' us abode with you!!! Still some of the greatest memories!

Pfingston said...

Hey . . hopping over here from Juliemom's blog . . gotta say, I look forward to those Wendy-isms.
I'd invite you over to see my blog, but right now it's all about Juliemom's shopping experience . . still . . .
Oh, and welcome to the world of Blog.

T with Honey said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere. I can't wait to read more.

Brenda said...

This is so cool!! I have never heard of "blogging against your will." What an interesting concept! :) Welcome!