Sunday, May 11, 2008

Big news (or little news, however you want to look at it!)

So, the latest and greatest info around here is that the husband and I are expecting a new little one sometime in January 2009. This is the fourth blessing from the Lord for our family, and we are ecstatic. The reactions have been varied and interesting:

1.) Hubby was very excited (he is hoping for boy #2- not that he doesn't totally love his girls), then he said, "Make sure you have it before the end of 2008 so we can get the tax deduction." Nice. The guy has a masters degree and 43 patents, but 3 kids later still hasn't gotten that I can't exactly PLAN this!
2.) My friend Mary screamed so loud, she literally burned a hole in my eardrum- I'm still waiting for the buzzing to wear off.
3.) My sister and best friend Terri both laughed and cried. She has been unable to have her own children- so it is always bittersweet for her. How do you know someone truly loves you? When they are happy for you, even while hurting for themselves-- and they don't let their hurt cloud over your happiness. That's just one reason why she's the best in the whole universe!
4.) My sister Aimee screamed so loud, she literally burned a hole in my other eardrum- guess I should've applied myself more to learning sign language, as I'm not sure how long the buzzing will last.
5.) The 22 year old trainer guy at the gym said, "Dude, you can totally work out right up until you pop". I'm not kidding, that was his real response to my question about restrictions in my exercise routine. To which I then promptly flicked him in the middle of his forehead for being a dweeb! (I made that last part up, but I wanted to, I really did).
6.) My mother and many friends at church are just totally excited and happy for us.
7.) Weight Watchers has kicked me out! Seriously, they don't have a pregnancy program because of "liability issues". My leader was very apologetic, but I think it stinks that they would do that- I understand that people aren't supposed to "try" to lose weight while they're pregnant, and I'm not wanting to do anything to harm or endanger this baby, but it's a healthy way to eat- so why not continue? In fact, with some modifications, I intend to.

That brings me to the last and most important reaction of all- God's. He is the one who started me on this journey, and He knew exactly where I would be in it when I found out this news. He is not surprised or perplexed, and He will not leave me to falter now. "Being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ". Phil. 1:6. I will continue and be victorious through Him, using the gym and WW as a tool, but counting on Him for my strength.

In fact, He had already provided for me before I ever got to the meeting and knew I would need some other form of support and accountability. During the meeting time, there is opportunity for people who have reached significant goals to share a tip about their success. I had been somewhat hesitant to introduce the God portion of my weight loss, but I knew I couldn't keep quiet about it forever- and planned to use the time when I reached my 10% goal to testify to the Lord's deliverance for me from the bondage of this addiction. I wanted to be careful how I framed it- not because I'm ashamed, but for the very opposite reason- I wanted God to get the maximum glory for the success.

At last week's meeting, our leader reminded us that one of the group members was featured in the WW newsletter- and her story is titled "With A Prayer". Her testimony is on the WW national website, and in it, she tells the world how she came to a place of total surrender and trust in the Lord to deliver her from her food addiction- much like my own story. I read it this week, and was encouraged to share my faith in the meeting as well. I was waiting for my 10% goal to be reached, and praying for God to give me the words to say.

Here's where God comes in perfectly- as He always does. I met my 10% off goal at this week's meeting- the last one I will be attending until after this baby is born. I was able to share about how God has been delivering me from this bondage, and encourage others to think about God and their need for Him as well. Mind you, I was a little conflicted emotionally, being somewhat disappointed after having heard about not being able to return, but my heavenly Father already had His plan in place to encourage me. After the meeting ended, Jane came up to me and invited me to a weekly bible study she runs for people struggling with weight issues. Did you get the whole picture? The God who created the entire universe and orders it's steps every day, cared enough to already have a plan in place for me to continue in an even better fellowship than the one I was leaving! Not only did I get the reward of my 10% off key chain as a visual reminder of His deliverance, but the "hug" from Him that He already knew what my need would be, had provided a solution, and showed it to me so readily. You can call it coincidence if you like, but I know better!

That's the best reaction yet. Praise the Lord!


Darci said...

Glad ANYWHOONA is welcome, cuz I just cozied right into your bloggy world :)

Yeah! Praising the LORD with you! I screamed REALLY loud inside last week out on the playground at group :). I am so very happy for you all - a blessing from the Lord indeed!

Someone emailed me that weightwatchers testimony last week too. I didn't know it was a local girl. I've been praying about what to do next with my journey... WW, Bible Study, whatever God has, but I feel I do need some eating plan to use as a TOOL.

YOu said it right on - God is the strenght, and we don't rely on the others for success, they are merely tools.

Congrats on your success and God is so cool - GODincidence I would call it for His perfect timing, as usual.

Love ya sister,

JulieMom said...

I will say it again and LOUDER THAN MARY:

*clears throat*

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!!

Top THAT Mrs. D. (You know who you are)

Janice said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :) I'm overly-excited for you guys!! I can't wait to see this new little one! :)

Brenda said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting! Your story about God's provision was, of course, the best.

But I'm still giggling over the dweeb trainer. I'll flick him for you if you want. And? What a professional comment!

MaryD said...

OH NO you didn't! Challenge moi to a LOUD fest, (Juliemom is certainly withering out in the African sun) woman I got five chillens I TALK over. so there.

Glad your ears are still buzzin Wendy. :) I heart you so much! GOD is the man, he's got the plan. (whoops sounds like Dr. Suess) That young boy needed a flick to the forehead.

WendyMom said...


I'm so glad someone else out there appreciates the word "dweeb"- it's one of my favorites!


WendyMom said...


I'm so glad someone else out there appreciates the word "dweeb"- it's one of my favorites!
